
Jag ser ljusen som tänds i parken vid Kungsholmens Hamn
Jag ser pojkar som gråter och flickor som tar dem i hand
Jag ser mannen på balkongen ta en tyst minut för sig själv
Det kan aldrig göras ogjort det där som hände ikväll

Är du en av de som var där när det hände
Eller saknade du någon du en gång trodde du kände
Är du en av de som gråter när ingen ser på
Är du en av de som berörs ändå

Jag ser mig i spegeln med ögon röda av gråt
Jag tänker hur gick det till hur bar de sig åt
Min lillebror går ut och vi vet aldrig vart han ska
Jag blir så rädd när jag tänker att det kunde vart han eller jag

Aldrig mer ung eller aldrig mera fri
När det handlar om barn har vi rätt att ta någons parti
Men ni vet hur det känns när röda ögon ser svart
Och jag sänder en tanke till dig som ligger sömnlös inatt

Alla som vill ta en stund och fundera
När ska vi göra mod av sorgen och börja agera
Nu städar man gatan och snart försvinner alla spår
Och vi fortsätter växa fast han förblir 16 år

Jag ser ljusen som tänds i parken vid kungsholmens hamn
Jag ser pojkar som gråter och flickor som tar de ihand
Jag ser mannen på balkongen ta en tyst minut för sig själv
Det kan aldrig göras ogjort det där som hände ikväll
Nej, det kan aldrig göras ogjort det där som hände ikväll


Sucker love is heaven sent.
You pucker up, our passion's spent.
My hearts a tart, your body's rent.
My body's broken, yours is bent.

Carve your name into my arm.
Instead of stressed, I lie here charmed.
Cuz there's nothing else to do,
Every me and every you.

Sucker love, a box I choose.
No other box I choose to use.
Another love I would abuse,
No circumstances could excuse.

In the shape of things to come.
Too much poison come undone.
Cuz there's nothing else to do,
Every me and every you.
Every me and every you,
Every me

Sucker love is known to swing.
Prone to cling and waste these things.
Pucker up for heavens sake.
There's never been so much at stake.

I serve my head up on a plate.
It's only comfort, calling late.
Cuz there's nothing else to do,
Every me and every you.
Every me and every you,
Every me

Every me and every you,
Every me

Like the naked leads the blind.
I know I'm selfish, I'm unkind.
Sucker love I always find,
Someone to bruise and leave behind.

All alone in space and time.
There's nothing here but what here's mine.
Something borrowed, something blue.
Every me and every you.
Every me and every you,
Every me

Every me and every you,
Every me

DOMESTIC PIIIIG #1013!!!!!!!!!11

Sötast låt. Och bäst engelska.

This completely twisted train of thought; I'll mope forever
A rotten future, and no life worth living
A gloomy, musty room; It certainly suits you
I guess I'll keep you, your death would have no meaning either

The mouth that utters a cry to hurt ones ears is splendid
Please eat your feed quietly
That figure is too pitiful, an existence lower than livestock
Shouldn't you begin to realize this soon?

pigswill, pig it

suicide, please die now
I just kill you, I most heat
suicide, please die now
I hope you die
suicide, please die now
I just kill you, I most heat
suicide, please die now
I want to see you dead now

That figure is too pitiful, an existence lower than livestock
Will you hurry up and realize it now?















壊れてく理性と身体 脈打つ「虐」を見つめてた





愛憎の狭間 夢を見ていた


The conflicting instinct and body
I was acting a pulsing "inversion"
Like clinging quietly onto it

Those two were very beautiful
Because I knew too much of this "impurity"

On top of the sexual desire that scatters in pieces I answered with "I love you"

You seem to desire these wounds of nakedness as if you were ridiculing them
Because I felt you deeper than the pain
It is possible to pretend

My reason and body that will be broken  I was gazing at this pulsing "oppression"
As if I was drowning in these hands

Those two were very beautiful ...

On top of the sexual desire that scatters in pieces I answered with "I love you"

You seem to desire these wounds of nakedness as if you were ridiculing them
You think that my body is sinking into the pain

Despite the hand that creeps across the curve of my neck I want to believe

Between the interval of love and hatred  I was dreaming
The warmth will wear off
In the end of the love that I believed to be stained with passion

I saw hell


Sakurais röst i dennaaa lååååååt, åh jag får.. epilepsi.

I can do it so well it almost makes me anxious
And the darkness is cleanly opening a door
But it's fine that way, although I'm lonely
Without even knowing the meaninglessness of living

Here, have a flower, a shredded rose
Don't look at the human beings; all of them have sorrowful faces
I only loved you, and I also hated you, deeply

We meet serendipitously again and again
In a corner of the floor, you dance, intensely and beautifully

Somehow, let's dance an empassioned dance
You in your black dress that seems to curse everything
Please, let's dance an empassioned dance
To the rhythm of love that seems to curse everything

I'm living in the forest of the Asura
Running away, running away fervently to meet you
I only loved you, and I also hated you, deeply

Up on tiptoe to the rhythm of love, you dance
We meet serendipitously again and again
In a corner of the floor, you dance, intensely and beautifully

Somehow, let's dance an empassioned dance
You in your black dress that seems to curse everything
Please, let's dance an empassioned dance
To the rhythm of love that seems to curse everything

paradox 5 (4everandalways en av mina eviga favoritlåtar)


月へと昇る  懐かしさに満たされた源へ

絶えない愛  流れの中


月より降りて  大地祝う雨となり降り注いで

絶えない愛  痛みの中


絶えない愛  流れの中
君だった… 無口な魂…



You who sleeps enveloped in flames departed,
longing for a distant, far off calm…

Ascending to the moon, to the source filled up with nostalgia

Inextinguishable love, amid the current
return to liberation and salvation…

Faint memories vanish into the sea that is the origin of everything,
at the end of a distant, long purification…

Falling from the moon, becoming a rain bestowed upon the vast earth and pouring down

Taking a breath into its body,
an unselfish soul at its beginning,
Inextinguishable love, amid the pain
dwell in a new life…


Inextinguishable love, amid the current

overflowing with liberation and hope,
You walked out toward rebirth…a reticent soul


mona lisa

眠れ明日が欲しいだろう 震え出したら夜明けまで持てない
I hear nothing see nothing say nothing
KrausのHyper opera voice song 響き渡る
Adios Amigo ゴミの山あさる Alchemist
Long long ago 冷たい指肉につき立て 二人が抱き合った

凍りつきそうなんだ 君のことを
震えが止まるように 聞かせてよ 
凍りつきそうなんだ 君のことを
震えが止まるように 君のこと聞かせてよ

教えて欲しい聞かせて欲しい 汚れているかおかしいか
笑って欲しい見ていて欲しい それならここを撃ち抜いて

サバンナ見渡せる丘 Son of a gun by oneself 泣き出す
そこにいるのか さわっていてくれ 体中が震え出した
構の奥まで鳥肌で埋まる 痙攣が抱擁耳鳴りがしゃべりかける
Long long ago生ぬるい雫糸を引く もう二度と会えないんだ

凍りつきそうなんだ 君のことを
震えが止まるように 聞かせてよ 
凍りつきそうなんだ 君のことを
震えが止まるように 君のこと聞かせてよ

教えて欲しい聞かせて欲しい 汚れているかおかしいか
笑って欲しい見ていて欲しい それならここを撃ち抜いて

教えて欲しい聞かせて欲しい 汚れているかおかしいか
笑って欲しい見ていて欲しい それならここを撃ち抜いて
教えて欲しい聞かせて欲しい 汚れているかおかしいか
笑って欲しい見ていて欲しい それならここを撃ち抜いて

Nej jag är inte tillfälligt besatt av deras lyrics.

muma - the nightmare

ツンドラの大地 我 死装束の魂よ
黄泉彷徨える 我 百鬼夜行を逝く魂よ

亡霊を追い駆けて 狂人となり走る

白夜の空を 我 朱に染め逝く魂よ
黄泉彷徨える 我 百鬼夜行を逝く魂よ

郷愁を想い涙 盲人となり喚く

満天のオーロラ 我 切り裂いて逝く魂よ
黄泉彷徨える 我 百鬼夜行を逝く魂よ

幻影を追い駆けて 狂人となり走る

ツンドラの大地 我 死装束の魂よ
黄泉彷徨える 我 百鬼夜行を逝く魂よ

貴方を夢想い 盲人となり叫ぶ

ツンドラの大地 我 死装束の魂よ
白夜の空を 我 朱に染め逝く魂よ
満天のオーロラ 我 切り裂いて逝く魂よ
黄泉彷徨える 我 百鬼夜行を逝く魂よ

ツンドラの大地 我 死装束の魂よ
黄泉彷徨える 我 百鬼夜行を逝く魂よ


I want to touch you. Here, there is nothing that I desire, ah, nothing
I want to steal all of you away, causing no one any trouble, ah, no one
Even if you hate me, even if I am not eloquent, ah, even so, if you’re with me
I’ll know your pain, and I’ll give to you my joy, and I’ll be with you, so please smile
Into your wounds I’ll pour my overflowing love, so stay with me, and don’t cry
Be mine, be only mine

I want to lock you away in my heart forever, ah, you
Someday you’ll understand my feelings, and just like this
I’ll know your pain, and I’ll give to you my joy, and I’ll be with you, so please smile
Into your wounds I’ll pour my overflowing love, so stay with me, and don’t cry
Be mine, be only mine

Sing to me always a song of compassion for my ugliness, and be with me, and smile
You pour your overflowing love always over my ugliness, so stay with me, and don’t cry
Be mine, be only mine

Ah, nothing, nothing at all
Ah, I want for nothing


What's my problem
Here's my problem
My problem is that I'm
too visual to be blind,
too audiological to be deaf,
too ideological to be in peace,
too compassionate to be in war,
too crazy to be sane,
too sane to be lazy,
too emotional to be you
If I could only stop my head,
from going into constant intervention,
then maybe I can swim back
to my own version of consistent sanity.
Angelic daemons,
liquid dreams,
transparent mountains,
of our own reality.
burning oceans,
melting faces,
melting faces,


酔いどれダム・ドラの店 ようこそ パーティーが始まる
紳士、淑女、さ迷う客 みなさん シャンパン泡となれ

「…マダム 酒をくれよ」
「ウィ・ムッシュ、 ケ・セラ セラ!」
「「一杯 トロケルようなアブサン!」」

ダイスを転がす奴はJoker 見ろよ 13のゾロ目さ

「ペシミスト 歌いましょう」
「ニヒリスト 踊ろうぜ」


なんて素敵 優しく殺して 囁く ひび割れているルノワール
夢見がちな君の事だから 今夜も流れ出すROMANCE

老いぼれ殺し屋Mr. J 錆びた茜のカミソリ

「…マダム 酒をくれよ」
「ウィ・ムッシュ、 ケ・セラ セラ!」
「「一杯 トロケルようなアブサン!」」


なんて素敵 優しく殺して 夜空を彩る様なシャガール
伏し目がちな貴方の首筋 咬みつく 流れ出すROMANCE
とても素敵 優しく殺して 囁く ひび割れているルノワール
夢見がちな君の事だから 今夜も 流れ出すROMANCE

酔いどれダム・ドラの店 さよなら パーティーはおしまい


胎児は憶えている 艶めく母親のベリーダンス
彼女は憶えている 背徳がスリルのベリーダンス

後悔しそうなメッセージ 消化に搾取よベリーダンス
そう 君に触れていたのに
露呈しそうなメッセージ 老化に鞭打つベリーダンス
そう 貴方は愁いたのか

歓喜障害 同一性 矛盾化
瞬間が意味する Blind end & slope down
性器 才気 正気 商淫のブローカー

胎児は憶えている 艶めく母親のベリーダンス
そう 君に触れていたのに
彼女は憶えている 背徳がスリルのベリーダンス
そう 貴方は嘆いたのか

首吊り台へ ふわふわ浮かぶ

in the white

Are you in or are you out
The words are stones in my mouth
Hush little baby don't you cry
Truth comes down
Strikes me in the eye

Turning season within
Brand new nails across my skin
But who am I to imply
That I was found
That I found you in the white

To overcome this
I become one with
The quiet cold of late November
If you don't see
I'll remain unseen
Until there's time to be remembered

So I had a green light
I was lost in city lights
Not so far from a try
This is not our last goodbye

So I found you
Found a way all through
The quiet cold of inner darkness
And now that you're here
It becomes so clear
I have waited for you always

don't listen to a word

Open your eyes
Close your ears
Close your ears
Open your eyes 
Listen to the words you see
You are blind to what you hear
Listen to the words you see
Do not fear the truth beneath
Reach for roots beneath the trees
Listen to the words you seek
Don't listen to a word they say
Do NOT listen to a word you've heard
Do not listen to a word you've heard
People are people we live for our own
Live how you think not by what you've been told
If you close your eyes right now
Try to seek a vision you can listen to
A vision of collisions of what you know is true
You can do what you pursue if you only try to
To open your eyes
And listen to the visions colliding with collisions
Collisions on a mission
Risen from what you've listened to
Listen to
Don't listen to a word you've heard
Don't listen to a word you've heard
Unless the word that you've heard is a word that you said
Close your ears to words from out
Unless the word came out your head
Or the word was built with your hands
Close your soul to a voice of a man from a non distant land
Cause that man has a plan to put bullets through your stand
Do you stand under this
Do you stand over this
Do you over stand me
You must not be listening
Its O.K. I understand
No he,
Told you
But Do
If you have the words inside your self
Listen to the words you hear
Listen to the words you say

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