Ett skepp kommer lastat..?
Hatar mänskligheten.
BUCK-TICK, msn, Elli, tanken på att Ellen LEVER!, prata om sprit och Sakurai i allmänhet är det enda som håller mitt humör uppe atm.
Vill nog egentligen bara slå ihjäl någon.
Jag håller ju på att bli "hihi stooooor hihi", jag vet inte riktigt om jag vill. Dock kan jag ju inte ändra på detta fasta faktum.
Fast jag kanske borde vänta med denna ångest tills jag är åtminstone 23..?
Ja, så gör jag. Hejdå.
1. När började du lyssna på japansk musik?
[x] För över 2 år sedan
[ ] Snart blir det ett år
[ ] Ungefär 1 år, lite mera
[ ] För två månader sen
[ ] För några dagar sen
[ ] För 1½ år sedan
2. Vilka av dessa hörde du först?
[ ] Antic Cafe
[ ] Ayabie
[x] Dir en grey
[ ] Miyavi
[ ] Gackt
[ ] the GazettE
[x] Annat, vad? - alicenine.
3. Beundrar du någon av dessa?
[ ] Reita
[ ] Ruki
[x] Aoi
[ ] Uruha
[ ] Bou
[x] Tatsuro
[x] Shinya
[x] Kyo
[ ] Miku
[ ] Kanon
[ ] Yu-ki
[ ] Teruki
[x] Kai
[ ] Maya
[ ] Miyavi
[x] Hizumi
[ ] Exo-chica
4. J-musik genren, som du gillar:
[ ] Alla
[ ] Visual kei
[ ] Oshare kei
[ ] Angura
[ ] Eguro -tekno
[ ] Alltså va?
I'll just leave this empty liksom.
5. Vilka av dessa lyssnar du på?
[ ] Aural Vampire
[ ] 12012
[ ] alice nine.
[ ] the GazettE
[ ] Antic Cafe
[ ] Ayabie
[ ] Ayumi Hamasaki
[ ] Bis
[ ] D'espairsRay
[x] Dir en grey
[ ] Malice Mizer
[ ] Moi dix Mois
[ ] Gackt
[x] MUCC
[ ] Miyavi
[ ] X Japan
[ ] Exist Trace
[ ] Ellegarden
[ ] Glay
[ ] Girugämesh
[ ] Utada Hikaru
[ ] Nami Tamaki
[ ] Janne da Arc
[ ] Kra
[ ] Vidoll
[ ] SuG
[ ] L'Arc~enciel
[ ] LM.C
[ ] Luna Sea
[ ] MOON~kana~
[ ] Morning Musume
[ ] Plastic tree
[ ] Hinoi Team
[ ] Mika Nakashima
[x] Annat
Ok alltså vad jag LYSSNAR PÅ. Gillar det mesta där, eller ah inte det mesta HÄHÄ, men lyssnar inte så mycket på det.
6. Hur många j-musiklåtar har du på datorn?
[x] Så många så att jag inte orkar räkna
[ ] Såhär många:
7. Vilket band har du mest låtar av?
DIR EN GREY / Plastic Tree
8. Bästa j-låtar du har hört
Alltså allvarligt. :< PALLA SKRIVA ALLT, finns asmånga superbäst.
DIR EN GREY - Sajou no uta är dock bäst 4everandalways typ
9. Bästa bandet?
11. KAWAIII!! -
[ ] Jaa!
[x] Nej
[ ] Aj satan mina öron
[ ] Vi skriker det tillsammans
[ ] Det är ju bara japanska
12. Vilka japanska band har du sett live?
DIR EN GREY, MUCC, D'espairsRay, LM.C, An Cafe, Abingdon boys school, Kagrra,
Bästa j-rock band? DIR EN GREY, de är fett j-rock.
Vilken låt fick dig att gilla j-rock? DIR EN GREY - Umbrella tyyyp
Bästa j-rocklåten som gjorts? DIR EN GREY - Sajou no uta säger vi väl. Och the GazettE - 13STAIRS [-] 1. Typ.
Vilken j-rocklåt lyssnar du på just nu? Lyssnar inte på nååågoooot.
Första j-rocklåten du hörde? DIR EN GREY - Umbrella
Bästa j-rockvideo? Öh.. Reiketsu nariseba är himla cool?! J-ROCK
Kan du börja gråta av någon j-rocklåt? Njäe. DEPENDS ON MY MOOD.
Tipsa om tre j-rocklåtar som du gillar eller har lyssnat mycket på: 9GOATS BLACK OUT - raw, Heaven och Minus. HÄHÄ
Tipsa om tre j-rockband som du gillar eller har lyssnat mycket på (skriv inte de du skrev som favoritband): 9GOATS BLACK OUT, ACIDMAN, RADWIMPS (caps' always gonna be caps (och ACIDMAN och RADWIMPS är inte så himla j-rock))
Hur länge har du lyssnat på j-rock? 4 år nästan!
Varför lyssnar du på j-rock? Gdhgkltsghjlks?! :@@ Ful fråga. Jag gillare.
Lyssnar du på visual kei och oshare kei? LYSSNAR PÅ BRA MUSIK. The end.
Känner du någon mer som lyssnar på j-rock? Aa
Favorit j-rockare? Gackt ♥ HAHA. Men Hayato är också en fin karl.
Snyggaste j-rockare? J-ROCKARE?! Hayato. -u-
Sötaste j-rockare? Haru -u-
Vilken j-rockare skulle du helst vilja kyssa? Hahahhahhhlahsljahfkja Gackt. Eller Hayatos jävla kuksugarläppaaar.
Vem är snyggast i An cafe? Gackt.
Vem är snyggast i Gazette? Aoi. -u- humdidum
Vem är snyggast i Ayabie? Eh Kenzo säger vi väl då.
Om du skulle göra cosplay på någon, vem skulle de vara? Yoshiki
Är din stil Japansk? Ja. Har haremsbyxor. Det har Tatsuro också.
Har du sett något j-rockband live? Aa
Vilka vill du se live? 9GOATS h3h3. ACIDMAN. ReivieR, BARA FÖR ATT. Och min käre Gackt såklart.
Har du varit i Japan? Näe
Vill du åka til Japan? O.K.
Kollar du på anime? Inte så oftaaaaaa
Kollar du på Naruto? Nej
Ritar du manga? Nej
Äter du sushi? Inte just nu -w-
Har du varit på uppcon eller något liknande? Aa
Kan du prata japanska? Inte direkt!
Beskriv bilden du lagt upp, beskriv så långt du kan: Jaha, jag ska lägga upp en bild också..
Här är då en bild på Die och.. någon i Deftones tror jag. Eller The fall of Troy. JAG VET INTE.
Beskriv hur du sminkar dig: Eh. Va.
Beskriv hur du klär dig: Som Gackt typ.
Nana kitade/Gackt? GACKT?!
Himeyuri/An cafe? Himeyuri, endast för att de är sämst.
LM.C/suG? LM.C
Älskar du j-rock? Av hela mitt hjärta... nej.
thrust you into melancholy
-u- ja
Prins Toves sommarlov
Jag fick i uppdrag av min käre lärare Thomas att skriva ett A4 om mitt sommarlov.
Såhär bra gick det! Jag låter som en deprimerad pensionär.
Mitt sommarlov.. SUCK.
Well, here goes.
Jag har inget särskilt att berätta, då det inte hänt något särskilt. Att tillägga är väl det faktum att jag är väldigt dålig på att beskriva upplevelser. Tror att snarare än att berätta om en särskild sak som hänt (trots att det inte hänt något särskilt) så ska jag sammanfatta mitt lov.
Jag har till större del suttit i mitt hem och lidit av värmen, en del av mig dog inombords när jag insåg att lovet skulle bestå av denna hetta. Annars i hemmet så har jag umgåtts med min mamma, hon är en mycket trevlig kvinna. Jag tror jag är en av de få ungdomar som värderar sin mamma så högt som jag, men det hör inte hit!
Efter som min kära mor inte varit hemma så mycket så har jag lagat massor med mat, kollat på tv i all min ensamhet, och spelat jättehög musik samt dansat runt till den i vardagsrummet.
Den näst mest utförda aktiviteten har varit att sätta mig på pendeltåget och åka till vår vackra huvudstad och träffa kompisar. Detta har tagit hårt på min ekonomi, så för tillfället har jag knappt råd att andas. Dock har det varit värt pengarna, jag hinner inte åka till Stockholm särskilt mycket annars, och att träffa mina något för långt bort boende kamrater är något jag värderar nästan lika högt som min mamma.
Förutom att spendera pengar på tågresor så har väldigt mycket pengar gått åt till kaffe/latte/chailatte och liknande flytande substanser. Om jag fick gissa så skulle jag nog slå till på att kanske 500 spänn klirrat i caféers kassor på min bekostnad denna sommar. Dessa pengar har jag inte en aning om hur jag fått tag på, då jag inte har någon inkomstkälla.
Hur som helst så har jag, som sagt, vandrat runt i Stockholm en hel del. För det mesta umgåtts med mina fränder, men även varit på så kallade tillställningar. Bland annat Formexmässan, Ung08 och Meuwcon!
Formexmässan är en inrednings/designmässa som egentligen bara är till för ’fackfolk’, men jag lyckades smuggla in mig själv med hjälp av mitt påhittade företag ”CHOIMINATOR Inc.”, ytterst trevligt.
Ung08 var jag inte särskilt involverad i, hängde runt deras event med några kompisar och drack kaffe.
Meuwcon däremot var en fantastisk upplevelse. Det är ett konvent med temat Japansk populärkultur, vilket involverar den hemska sysselsättningen ’cosplay’, som kan liknas vid maskerad. Man ska likna vid en fiktiv karaktär, det vanligaste valet är tyvärr tecknade figurer från animeserier. Åh, hemska tanke. De flesta som cosplayar råkar också vara gravt överviktiga. Men nu låter jag som en hemsk och ytlig människa, så jag stoppar här.
Nej men ser man på! Jag har ju skrivit ett A4 nu!
Varsågod, Thomas!

"Vill möblera om!! :@ Men kan inte flytta på skrivbordet själv T^T"
Tror förövrigt att jag ska.. vrida på skrivbordet eller nåt.
Eftersom jag suger/inte orkar skriva om den, så varsågod internet:
Oki, nu blev min rubrik inläggsnumret men jaja!
Jag har nyss vaknat från min prinsessömn, drömde världens jävla ultradröm <3 haha, berättar den sen.
Sålänge kan ni gotta er i att jag vaknade en snabbis vid halv elva av att jag GENTLY, GENTLY, smarkade ner ett glas med kallt kaffe från en stol som står bredvid min säng.
Vet till 100% (tror jag) att Gackt inte var med i min ultradröm, men på något vis känns det som att det var hans fel att jag sparkade ner glaset?!?!
Var så himla god!
Det här är vad jag hållit mig sysselsatt med senaste nätterna, då jag nyligen kommit på att jag har en 6 år gammal dammig laptop(felstavat säger chrome. "alptopp, lapskojs, lapsus, lappera") som ligger och skräpar under mitt skrivbord. Tillägger att detta är något ytterst oseriöst. :>
In a rather not so fancy part of town, a man named Tatsuro stepped inside his apartment. Being a DJ for the most popular night club in a decade didn't allow him to have those 'early nights' as other people, though he spent his nights partying. 5am still was not a very great time to get home from work, especially not as a, for now, secret visitor were to arrive around lunch. He went straight to bed, not paying enough attention to see the man sitting in his kitchen with a glass of chocolate milk in his hand. The man at the table sighed as he heard Tatsuro starting to snore in less than a minute. He slowly made his way to the sink, opening the cupboard above it, took out the painkillers from their place and, still slowly, walked into Tatsuros bedroom to sit down on the bed.
"Dear, dear. You stupid man. Having a job like this is not suitable for a person your age."
Tatsuro snorted at him and turned around in the bed.
"Take these. I'll go make you some coffee. We have business laying at our feet!"
He smacked Tatsuro in the back of his head before leaving him with the pills and his glass of chocolate milk and going back into the kitchen to make that coffee happen. A muffled "Fuck you, Gackt.." was heard from the bedroom.
Half an hour later, Tatsuro had made it out alive, and now the two men were sitting on the balcony, both with a cigarette stuck between their right hands fingers and a cup of coffe in their free hand.
"So, what I've planned so far is that we.. clean out all the shit from your apartment and..-"
"Is there a specific reason we can't just do this at your place?"
"Of course there is, but that is irrelevant."
"..whatever, go on."
"Yes, and we also have to contact a few of my.. men, so to speak."
"You have your own men? Lucky ass bastard."
"I though you knew I do! Well, let's stick to the subject. I only thought of Sugizo so far, but I guess that'll do. He's a man that knows what he is doing."
"..okay whatever. So, he's gonna help us clean my place, or what?"
"Yes. And..-"
"Wait, this will be done by lunch, right?"
"I don't think so, why?"
"I'm expecting someone."
"Oh.. Too bad then. Either you cancel it, or you move your Picadilly circus elsewhere. You can't hang around here."
"Great. I invited someone over - and NO, you breaking in like this is NOT being invited - for the first time in ages and I can't even let him inside my door."
"Exactly like that. I suggest you call this expected person and tell him off."
"I'm still meeting up with him, you know!"
"Blah blah. Your love stories is none of my business. Neither do they interest me."
"It's not a love story, stupid, well.. Back to our business then!"
Another thirty minutes later, their discussion was over, and Gackt had left to pick up Sugizo and run some errands. Tatsuro turned on the coffee machine for the second time this morning and went into the bathroom. His hair had been getting really long lately.. He put it up in some lazy ponytail-like thing before entering the shower, feeling refreshed as the hot water trickled down his back. The game he made up with his best friends a couple of years back - see how long you could stand switching between ice cold and burning hot water - really woke him up. He yelled out loud after turning on the ice cold water for the seventh time, "FUCK NO I AM NOT TURNING ON THE WATER FROM HELL AGAIN", and ran out of the shower to jump into his bathing robe.
"Only 10am?.. Jeeeez, I have nothing to waste my time on.."
He went into his bedroom to check his cellphone. Nothing.
"Might as well call Nii and make him go out for some breakfast with me."
"SO?! Who's hair has grown the most?!"
"It's kind of obvious it's mine."
"WELL... WELL.. Fuck you! At least mine is naturally straight."
"No it's not."
".....well then, preppy Tatsu boy. Leave! Leave me here if you're not in the mood for losing!"
"I'm winning, haha."
"Then the loser get to drink the winners coffee. And the winner pays!"
Nii was never really tired. Not even this early. On a sunday morning. After being out drinking until 3am. He was.. A true miracle. And blessing. If there was no Nii, Tatsuro had been forced to go out for breakfast without company. And that, ladies and gentlemen, it not a very pleasant experience. I suggest you don't try it out.
"If you want to, I could just order you two lattes."
"No?! I lost, I want your latte."
"So I can't have one?"
"CERTAINLY.. not!"
"I'm paying for you to steal my breakfast?"
"Hey, you can still have that tuna toast. Disgusting! There must be something wrong with you."
"I guess that would be true. But I still have the longest princess hair in town."
"..didn't I say fuck you?"
"Tatsuro, it's Gackt. I consider it rather rude to have your cellphone turned off like this. Especially when you should have been expecting this call. Where are you? The door here is locked, and we kind of need to get inside. If you don't call me back in less than ten minutes, I'll kick the door in. You know I will."
"HEY TATSU, your phone went buzzing wild when you were in the bathroom!"
"Did you take the call..?!"
"God, no!"
"For fucks sake, Nii, it could have been important!"
"I don't want to touch your phone! With a vibration like that, who knows where it could have been?!"
"'re so fucking stupid."
"No, you are! Now, I took the rest of your toast when you were gone..-"
"I though you said it was disgusting?"
"Uh, yeah I did?!"
"...and what?!"
"I dunno. Hey, let's go to your place!"
"Shisus crust.."
"Looks like it's been kicked in."
"My bet's on.. kicked in."
"Fuck you, Nii.. Gackt?!"
"We're in the bedroom!"
Tatsuro and Nii carefully sneaked past the leftovers of the door, took left and ended up jaw dropping at the sight.
"Hey guys! Nice breakfast? Sugizo thought it would be a nice idea to spice things up a little in here!"
"Spice.. things... up?"
Tatsuro couldn't believe his eyes. In one and a half hour he had been gone, the room had gone through a transformation never seen before. The simple light bulb he had in the ceiling was gone, replaced by a giant disco lamp, glittering in every color you can imagine. His sheets had been switched, the new ones neonish in pink and black.. and..
"...what the fuck were you thinking?"
"The walls?! OH, don't worry, we put those up with a couple of screws.. and nails. And a stapler! You can take them down whenever you feel like it."
"..huge diamond.. BUGS?"
"Yeah? You don't like them?"
"Why the fuck would this be necessary?! Seriously, are you two fully retarded?!"
"There, there, Tatsuro! Gackt just called me and asked for some help with a secret project and.. Well, I bet you like this. Deep, deep inside of you, I know you love this. Just think for a moment. You love it, don't you?"
Tatsuro slowly turned his head at Sugizo. His eyebrow raised even slower. He took three slow steps and stopped with his face ten centimeters away from Sugizos, and he never broke their eye contact.
"Do. You. Want. To. Die?"
"Of course not!" Sugizo smiled.
"Then I am sorry to tell you that I'm about to fucking strangle you."
"Now, boys, don't fight!"
Gackt stuck his hand in between their faces, Sugizo still smiling sheepishly, Tatsuros nostrils were just about to blow out smoke and fire.
"Gackt. I will move away forever and never speak again until you get this shit out of here."
"I don't want sorry, I want this.. this.. shit.. out!"
"Okay, you leave for your date and we'll fix this."
"You have a date, Tatsuro?! Can I come with you?!"
..right. Tatsuros date.
So far, this day have been fucking mental. Is this some kind of lack-of-sleep-illusion? I sure hope I'm on the right bus now. Wait, did I even text him and tell him we're not meeting up at my place..?
Oh, I did.
just det, jag duschade med kläderna på!
Idag är en list-dag!!
lista åt världen, samt heechul SHIRTLESS

Hej min jättespammade blogg.
Har inte sovit inatt xD Jag och Toni såg väl inte riktigt en anledning, vi hade massor att ta igen n_n Har fått en full back tattoo med tusch.. den har väl försvunnit vid det här laget men ändå..
C'mon Kim Heechul~
Tonight Imma get you be the captain
Tonight Imma letcha do yar thing yeah
Without saying names say something to three people.
1: Stop acting like a fiveyearold T_T
2: Get your ass over here and eh.. yeah, be the captain.
3: I'm too embarassed to think about you, stop acting flirty! u_u
Is your profile private?
Nahh? Yeah? No?! Dunno!
What’s something that always gives you the chills?
That guy. Teeeheeee. In a good way though.
I get the baaaad chills from hearing mosquitos.
Do you do your own laundry?
Sometimes :3
What do people think about you that isn’t true?
Haha xD That I'm shy.. though I am.. but.. only for 5 minutes here and there.
How many months until your birthday?
2 and barely ½! -u-
What are you listening to?
Rihanna-Rude boy
Does it bother you when your friends bring up your past mistakes?
Mostly not, I know I've done stupid shit!
Name the first person you can think of that you know that has a tattoo?
My moms ex :D
Is there a guy who knows everything or just about everything about you?
Well uhhh.. yeah?! I think so? xD
Do you like winter time?
Well.. I like autumn more. -nods- Deep blue sea..?!
What was the last movie you saw?
Deep blue sea..?!
Did you ever lose a best friend?
Who is the first girl you’d go to if there was something wrong?
Uh.. Myself. Haha. B(
Do you believe that if you want something bad enough you’ll get it?
Well if I wanna go to the bathroom bad enough, I'll probably go.
It would be different if I wanted to have sex with Gackt really bad.
Do you like to cuddle?
Yeeaaa -u-
Are you ticklish?
Last time you had butterflies in your stomach?
Haha uh.. Two days ago maybe?~ Haha, I'm so gay.
What’s the best feeling in the world?
Doing what you gotta do real bad.
And also those butterflies you talked about feels kinda nice too.
Can you play guitar hero?
I tried it.. once.. I didn't do good.
How’s your heart lately?
Probably like this;
*A* , ;UUUU; , ;___; , </3 , .//////. , XD
Are you a jealous person?
Kind of. But it's at a low low level.
Any plans for tomorrow?
No? -A- Not really haha.. Maybe I'll sleep here another night.. XD
Do you wear the hood on your hoodie?
Only when I feel my hair looking like shit T^T
What was one thing you always loved at parks when you were little?
Cottoncandy u_u
Would you rather be called hot, cute, or beautiful?
Hot. Because hot can be cute AND beautiful.. And urrh.. Yeah. I'm HAWT..
What’s the last thing you laughed really hard over?
Amongst many things.. Siwon being a saint and Heechul being Thor, protecting him.. riding around on his two goats.. Leeteuk and Eunhyuk...
Who did you call first this morning?
I DUNNO! Called Toni on Skype for fun ten minutes ago. Echo echo echoooo~
Last night, did you go to sleep smiling?
I never went to sleep XD
Any summer plans for 2010?
Well.. wait for autumn. Have sex. HAHA.
The last song you heard?
Rihanna-Rude boy
How long can you go without your phone?
Not long T^T haha
Were you happy when you woke up today?
Are you missing someone?
Kangin...? ;_; Haha uh..
I miss my grandma.
If you could go back in time, how far back would you go?
I wouldn't.. I'd go forward..! STOP ALL OTHER TIME AND FASTFORWARD ME TO THE AGE OF 24. Ahhhh~
Are you the youngest person living in your house?
Nuh. The hamster is.
If there were no letters on the keys on your keyboard, could you still type?
Haha I think so.. Probably?!
Do you still speak to any of your classmates from elementary school?
One of'em? I think haha.. Well yeah then.
Do you believe that there’s good in everybody?
Not everybody!
Anything you’re currently looking forward to?
Hahhhh heeeehhhh. One or two things.. three maybe..
Who was the last girl you saw?
Toni :D
Who was the last boy you saw?
Where will you be this time next year?
I have no idea.. Maybe in some other country.
Anything special happen today?
David's turning.. old.. 22? XD
Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
If I knew korean, then yes, in Heechuls fucking bed. B| HAHA.. Or staring at Yesungs turtles~
Otherwise I'd probably stay here.
What kinda shirt are you wearing?
Some knitted I borrowed from Toni -u-
Does it take a lot to make you cry?
Not really.. Haha. I start crying when I see someone crying. I hate people crying. ;__;
How do you feel when the opposite sex cries in front of you?
Uh. What?
Are you the same as you were a year ago?
Not at all. Though I still look like me :$
Has anybody ever given you butterflies?
Yes lol
Has anything happened to you in the past month that made you really mad?
My mom
Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months or more?
It'd be hard.. Depending on who the person was. But judging from my uh.. knowledge.. -haha- I think I'd last with that person. -points- At.. at least for a longer while. Not forever. Not with anyone. xD I'm surely not made for such things.
Are you travelling anytime soon?
I want to!
Have you ever taken anyone/anything for granted?
I haaave. Lots of times. Stupid me.
Do you tend to make things complicated?
Uhh... Love-wise, yeah. All the time. STUPID ME.
Whose bed did you sleep in last night?
..none? xD
Have you ever cried so hard you felt like you were going to throw up?
I don't like admitting it but yes.